Today is Easter. It is a day that means many things to different people—something about bunnies and eggs and fertility. . . ?
But for me, the only thing Easter is about is Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. We make such a big deal out of Christmas, but Easter seems to be somewhat of an afterthought for too many of us. So I’ve been asking myself, why does Christmas get such wide recognition and celebration, when without Jesus’s resurrection, his birth would be meaningless? Is it because we all share in the bleak and cold of winter and need bright colors and new life to invade our frigid countdown to spring? Perhaps. But it was for this reason he was born—to bear the sins of the world and to reconcile us to the Father. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the single hope of mankind. It is what all of history has led up to and all future events will point back to.
So I’ve been giving a lot of thought to how my family can make a bigger deal out of our Easter celebration. How can we pack it with the anticipation and reverence and awe it commands? I must confess, this year I’ve been too exhausted to do much more than ponder the possibilities. But I’d like for this day and this moment to be the beginning of making a lasting tradition out of next year.
I know at least four things: I know I want it to be about our Jesus. I know I want it to be about our Father. I know I want it to be about our Holy Spirit. And I know I want it to be about telling people the almost-too-good-to-be-true news that in Jesus God is not counting their sins against them, that they are loved and accepted and adored.
So help me out. What ideas do you have that would fit these criteria?
Pleasant penning,
Rachel E. Newman, CP
Freelance Editor and Indexer
Certified Paralegal
Rachel E. Newman holds a BS degree from Northeastern State University in Oklahoma. She is a member of the Christian PEN: Proofreaders and Editors Network, is certified with the Christian Editor Connection, serves as a judge for the Excellence in Editing Award, and serves as a faculty member for PENCON, the only conference for editors in the Christian market.
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